Recent content by markw

  1. M

    Unable to deserialize object: The deserializer threw an exception ,in Scaleout Object Browser

    Hi Satya, Is there a particular problem or error that's preventing you from using the Soss.Client namespace? Or are you using the newer Scaleout.Client nuget package in your application? If you send an email to [email protected] and reference this forum thread, we'd be happy to...
  2. M

    Unable to deserialize object: The deserializer threw an exception ,in Scaleout Object Browser

    It looks like you're performing JSON serialization outside the caching library and then saving that string to the cache. The ScaleOut APIs serialize that string using .NET's BinaryFormatter, which is why you see that 23-byte header in the hex viewer. There are 2 ways to fix this. 1. If you...
  3. M

    Unable to deserialize object: The deserializer threw an exception ,in Scaleout Object Browser

    Hi Anuja, It looks like you've configured the Object Browser to use an XML deserializer, but the object wasn't serialized as XML--the XML parser didn't get past the first character. If you look at the raw object contents (in the Contents tab there in your screenshot), does it look like XML? By...
  4. M

    Soss.Client.NotReadyException: The server is not yet ready to perform this operation.

    Hi, I've tested successfully with a one-line script that looks like this: # auth.ps1 Write-Output "permissions 3 timeout minutes 60" Use the soss.exe command to register this custom auth provider for a namespace: soss.exe set_ns_auth name="My cache name" method=custom path="powershell -F...
  5. M

    Soss.Client.NotReadyException: The server is not yet ready to perform this operation.

    There aren't any known issues with auth in There are a few things you'll need to check: 1. From an administrative command prompt, please run: soss.exe show_ns_auth In the output, make sure that the cache(s) that you're using are listed, and verify that the path to your powershell...
  6. M

    Soss.Client.NotReadyException: The server is not yet ready to perform this operation.

    Hi, Is this exception coming out of a call to LoginManager.getInstance().Login(...)? If so, the most likely cause is that the back-end auth provider (a custom executable that you've deployed to your ScaleOut server machines) is returning an error when invoked by the ScaleOut service. If this...
  7. M

    TLS1.0 and TLS 1.1 Deprecated VA issues on SOSS secure port 723 and 724 only

    The ScaleOut service uses the OpenSSL library for TLS (not Windows schannel), so those registry keys won't have an effect. Version of the ScaleOut service (released 7-Jul-2023) sets the minimum protocol version to TLS 1.2, so it appears that you're running an older version of the...
  8. M

    NamedCache cannot refresh lock using AcquireLock from a different thread

    Hi Caleb, Great question. In the NamedCache library, locks are held on a per-thread basis. (Behind the scenes, the API holds on to a lock ticket for you in thread-local storage.) The idea is that locks can provide consistency across any number of clients, processes, and threads. FYI, the newer...
  9. M

    Moving from ScaleOut StateServer with GeoServer to ScaleOut StateServer

    Yes, that's all that you need to do.
  10. M

    Missing objects due to restarts of the SOSS engine

    We'll change the service so that it will just log the problem instead of restarting if/when the condition occurs. The next release will be out within the next two weeks.
  11. M

    Missing objects due to restarts of the SOSS engine

    Hi Nadav, This appears to be the same behavior that one of your associates (royial) reported last year: We're interested to know what happened after the original report from last year--did the restarts continue...
  12. M

    Strange slowness

    I see, thanks for clarifying. This is a case of the user's session growing larger and larger--this test case will get slower and slower with any out-of-process provider because of how ASP.NET groups a user's session items into one object. All the items in a user's session dictionary are...
  13. M

    Strange slowness

    I'm afraid don't fully grasp the scenario here--does the slow performance occur only during load tests, or is it when you're manually poking at the site with a web browser (or is the site under other load while you're manually browsing)? Overall memory usage shouldn't affect response times from...
  14. M

    Strange slowness

    Hi Rob, Which session provider are you using? The traditional one that ships with the main product installer, or one of the newer NuGet providers (sync/async)? Also, a few notes about this test (and session state in general): Session data isn't written back to the ScaleOut service after your...
  15. M

    threads blocking on read to scaleout server after moving to .NET 5

    That's a little surprising. Do you have a "hot object" that's accessed much more frequently than any other? (If so, whatever client cache partition it falls into will get hammered and eventually become a bottleneck... so scaling the number of client cache partitions may not help in that case.)...