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  1. R

    Moving from ScaleOut StateServer with GeoServer to ScaleOut StateServer

    We would like to know what is the best approach of moving from ScaleOut StateServer with GeoServer to ScaleOut StateServer (without GeoServer). We don't need anymore the GeoServer functionality. Can we just add new instances of regular ScaleOut StateServer and then remove the existing ones with...
  2. R

    threads blocking on read to scaleout server after moving to .NET 5

    Hello, We've upgraded our apps which were using .NET Framework 4.7.2 successfully for a long time, to .NET 5. As a consequence our apps functionality degraded significantly and while analyzing the dumps we noticed a lot of threads stuck on 13032 506 Worker Thread Worker Thread...
  3. R

    Usage of SOSS with Nuget

    Hi, We have a cluster with 4 SOSS nodes. In the past we used the DLL and recently we move to use the Nuget package DLL. After we upgraded or code to work with the Nuget, we're getting the following error once in 2-3 days: (from the log) 21/07/08 03:11:06 - Service: internal consistency check...