How are remote clients counted?

Our license key includes a maximum of 16 remote clients. We have 12 web servers running a single web application. We'll be adding a second web application onto these same web servers in the near future. Will we need to license additional remote clients?
A ScaleOut StateServer distributed data store can be accessed by remote machines that have ScaleOut’s remote client libraries installed. The number of remote client machines that are allowed to connect to a store is determined by the license key being used by the SOSS hosts.

Remote client license slots are counted on a per-machine basis (rather than a per-process basis or a per-connection basis). So, if a single remote client machine is running 4 processes that access the SOSS store, only 1 remote client slot will be used.

Management tools that access store data (such as the SOSS Console and the Object Browser) also count as client applications, so running them on remote client machines may cause a slot to be used. Opening the SOSS management tools on a StateServer host is not counted as a Remote Client.