How can local client applications be configured to behave as remote clients?

The ability to make local client applications run as remote client applications was introduced in version Running as a remote client eliminates the requirement that the local ScaleOut StateServer service must be running for the application to access the store. Please note that running as a remote client requires a license for the remote client option (please contact [email protected] for licensing information). Here are the steps that need to be taken to make the ScaleOut client libraries run as remote clients even when the SOSS service is installed locally:
  • Perform a full installation of ScaleOut StateServer on all machines in the store as you normally would.
  • On each machine, edit the soss_client_params.txt file (located in our installation directory) and add the following line at the bottom (without quotes): "runas_remcli 1"
  • Start up the SOSS Console (or restart it, if it's already running). The Console will prompt you to enter configuration info for the client libraries. Enter the IP address and ports of the local host and click the "Add" button.
  • Once the Console finds the local store, click the "Populate" button in the Client Configuration to automatically add gateway information for the other hosts in your store.
  • Repeat steps 2 - 4 on all the hosts in your farm.
  • Issue a Restart All command from the Store menu on one of the hosts to ensure that the setting has taken effect.
  • If you have any Web apps running, they'll need to be recycled to pick up the new client configuration settings.