Unable to communicate to state server installed in server system from client.Is there any PS command to grant client cache access(ex: Grant-CacheAllow


New member
I was getting below exception while running application:

"Could not load file or assembly 'soss_dotnet2cli.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found."

I was able store data in state server when i run same application from server system.What is default port number used by state server to communicate?


If your application works fine when it runs on one of the state servers and does not work on remote client machine, it means your remote client is not properly configured. You should start with running ScaleOut StateServer (SOSS) installer on the client machine by selection the "Remote Client" installation option during the setup wizard. Then, you need to open SOSS Management Console and configure ScaleOut remote client library as it is outlined here:


By default SOSS uses TCP ports 720-724 which have to be opened in you firewall configuration.